Category: headaches

Trouble With Chronic Headaches May20th 2021

Trouble With Chronic Headaches? Here’s How Physical Therapy Can Help.

Do you find yourself plagued by headaches in the morning, at noon, and night? Have you noticed that emotional or physical stress seem to trigger your headaches? If you’re nodding yes, know that you’re not alone. You’re one of the many Americans suffering from stress-related or “tension” headaches. Chronic headaches affect 47% of the global

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vestibular rehab hot physical therapy Feb10th 2021

Say Goodbye to Those Persistent Stress-Related Headaches

You know the feeling – the sudden pain that tells you a headache is coming on. It happens to all of us. Stress headaches are typically defined as a “band of pressure” that can be felt around your head, usually accompanied by tenderness of the skull and overall achiness within the head. Sometimes, the pain

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